[作文号:3059370] 作文题目(2024-05-07)
[作文号:3054442] 【六级周周练】My View on Campus Violence(2024-04-28)
要求:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic:My View on Campus Violence. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
[作文号:3044566] 【百万同题】大学组-Promoting My Hometown's Products(2024-04-15)
要求:In this era of globalization, every place has its unique culture and products, which, like business cards, show the world the charm of this land. The rise of live-streaming e-commerce has provided a new platform for promoting local culture and products. This modern marketing method, with its unique interactivity and real-time, allows people far away from home to feel the breath of their hometown immediately and feel less homesick. It also enables consumers from all over the country to gain in-depth understanding of the characteristics and charm of different regions.Undoubtedly, you must also have a deep love for the land where you were born and raised, right? If given the opportunity to promote goods from your hometown, what would you choose? Would you promote traditional handcrafts, introducing the unique culture and distinct artistic styles behind them? Or would you promote local delicacies, introducing the sources of ingredients and cooking methods? Alternatively, would you promote the magnificent scenery of your hometown, introducing its distinctive attractions and tourist routes?Please write an essay titled "Promoting My Hometown's Products" based on the provided material, with a word count between 300-800 words, to let more people understand the culture, cuisine, and scenery of your hometown and experience its charm.参考译文:       在这个全球化的时代,每一个地方都有自己独特的文化和产品,它们如同一张张名片,向世界展示着这片土地的魅力。直播带货的兴起,为地方文化和产品的推广提供了一个全新的平台。这种现代化的营销方式,以其独特的互动性和实时性,让远在他乡的人们能够即刻感受到家乡的气息,同时也让全国各地的消费者能够深入了解不同地区的特色和魅力。       你也一定很热爱生你养你的那片土地吧?如果让你为家乡带货,你会选择什么呢?是推广家乡的传统手工艺品,介绍工艺品背后的文化内涵和独特的艺术风格; 是推广家乡的特色美食,介绍食材的来源和制作方法;还是推广家乡的壮丽风景,介绍家乡的特色景点和旅游线路。      请根据材料提示,以“我为家乡带货”为题写一篇300-800词作文,让更多人了解你家乡的文化,美食、风景,感受家乡的魅力。      *请不要机译题干,否则作品将不被采纳。
[作文号:3028166] 【批改网杯】全国大学生英语词汇大赛(2024-03-26)
[作文号:3017242] 【四级周周练】大学生生活(2024-03-15)
要求:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.反应大学生生存状况的词语从“蜗居”、“蚁族”到“鼠族”,持续涌现;2.对于这种现象,你有什么看法?
[作文号:2950561] 【批改网杯】Huawei Breakthrough(2023-11-01)
要求:Smartphones are the most commonly used smart devices, but who has really realized that behind smartphones lies a high-risk technological competition between big countries? China's semiconductors, from software operating systems to hardware chips and chip manufacturing equipment, have been jointly sanctioned in the past few years by the West, especially against Huawei. Because its 5G chip is banned from OEM and many key components are limited in procurement, Huawei's mobile phone sales fell from 240 million to less than 30 million. As a result, Huawei, a leading enterprise of the 5G era, could only be forced to purchase 4G chips to maintain its mobile phone business.However, this great industry giant has never dropped out. On August 29, 2023, after more than 1,500 days of sanctions, Huawei unexpectedly released the Mate 60 Pro mobile phone that supports the 5G network. It was the world's first smartphone enabling satellite calls and also used Huawei's Kirin 9000s chip with a localization rate of more than 90%, thus triggering a buying frenzy in China. Flying in the face of the superpower crackdown on advanced technology, Huawei has fully demonstrated its resilience and courage, overcoming incredible difficulties, achieving brilliant breakthroughs, and causing a great sensation. This will surely exert a profound impact on the world semiconductor industry in the future. As such a miracle, which we could call the "Huawei Breakthrough," suggests, when confronted with difficulties and pressures, only with unremitting self-improvement and firm unity of all the forces that can be united can we survive difficulties and hardships.Please compose an argumentative essay of 300-800 words focusing on the unique phenomenon of the "Huawei Breakthrough" and its impact on your rethinking of personal life and success. You can support your argument with reasons based on your personal experiences and valid evidence.参考译文:智能手机是我们最常使用的智能设备,但谁能真正意识到,在智能手机的背后,是大国之间高风险的技术竞争呢?中国半导体,从软件操作系统到硬件芯片再到制造芯片的设备,在过去的几年里受到美西方国家联手制裁,尤以华为为甚。因5G芯片被禁止代工,众多零部件采购受限,华为手机年销量从2.4亿部跌至不足3000万部。作为5G时代的领先企业,华为只能被迫采购4G芯片以维持手机业务。但是,华为并没有放弃,在历经1500多天的制裁后,2023年8月29日,华为出其不意地发布了Mate 60 Pro手机,该手机支持5G网络,是全球首款支持卫星通话的智能手机。Mate 60 Pro手机采用了华为自研的麒麟9000s芯片,国产化率超过90%,在国内引发了抢购狂潮。面对超级强权的打压,华为充分展示了其韧性和勇气,克服了难以置信的困难,成功实现突围,引起巨大轰动,未来将对世界半导体行业产生深远的影响。    华为的突围经历告诉我们,面对困难和压力,唯有自强不息,团结一切可以团结的力量,才能战胜艰难困苦。结合上述材料,请写一篇300-800字的文章,围绕“华为的突围”思考其对个人有哪些启示。你可以根据个人经验和有效的证据来阐释相关论点和理由。
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